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About KPSC
Kings Park Soccer Club ("KPSC") is a non-for-profit organization that provides soccer programs for youths between 4 to 18years old who live mainly in the Kings Park area. Our soccer programs are associated with the Long Island Junior Soccer League, New York Club Soccer, and EDP. We strive to create the best experience possible through our advanced training, dedicated trainers, are tireless 100% volunteer staff.
Our Mailing Address: (not a staffed location)
Kings Park Soccer Club
PO Box 195
Kings Park, NY 11754
Board of Directors
Dedication. Passion. Community.
All Board Members are typically local community members and business owners. All roles are volunteer positions with an expected term of one year. The club actively looks for people that are interested in contributing their time and experience towards improving the club.
Anthony Sabatino
George Torounidis
Michael Smith
Emily Ward
Gina Norwood
Mara Pugh
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