About Us
Kings Park Soccer Club (KPSC) is a non-for-profit organization that provides soccer programs for youths between 4 to 18years old who live mainly in the Kings Park area. Our soccer programs are associated with the Long Island Junior Soccer League, New York Club Soccer, and EDP. We strive to create the best experience possible through our advanced training, dedicated trainers, are tireless 100% volunteer staff.
KPSC Code of Conduct
Objective: The goal of KPSC is to assure that its members; players, coaches, parents, and directors; maintain the highest standard of sportsmanship and ethical behavior at all times. In order to achieve this goal, a Code of Conduct has been adopted by KPSC's Board of Directors
Players: All players shall abstain from the following activities at all times. Any violation of these rules will result in the appropriate action being taken.
Foul or obscene language
Indecent gestures
Arguing with the referee for any reason
Referee abuse of any type
Substance abuse
Object throwing in anger
Showing disrespect or arguing with coaches
Harassing of opposing team's players, coaches, or parents
Directors: Directors are responsible for providing direction and organization for KPSC. A Director is expected to maintain exemplary behavior and sportsmanship at all times. Directors are expected to:
Act on behalf of the club and the office they are representing above their own personal goals and objectives.
Maintain the Code of Conduct for trainers and parents when conducting business on behalf of KPSC
Conform to all rules established by KPSC.
Trainers / Team Administrators (T/TA): All T/TA's shall abstain from the following actions at all times. Any violation of these rules will result in the appropriate action being taken.
Foul or obscene language
Indecent gestures
Referee abuse
Substance abuse
Object throwing
Arguing with opposing team coaches or parents
Harassing of own or opposing team's players, coaches, or parents
Violating written division rules or safety rules
It is the responsibility of all T/TA to maintain the highest standards of conduct for themselves, their players, and their supporters in all matches. Failure to do so undermines the referee’s authority and the integrity of the game resulting in a hostile environment for players, the referee(s), coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, and parents/spectators.
As role models for all of the participants and spectators, coaches participating in a KPSC, LIJSL, ENYYSA or USYSA-sanctioned event are expected to be supportive of, and to acknowledge the effort, good play and sportsmanship on the part of ALL players from either team in a game. By example, T/TA are expected to show that although they are competing in a game, they have respect for their opponent, referees, and spectators at all times.
KPSC will not tolerate negative behavior exhibited either by demonstrative actions and gestures or by ill-intentioned remarks, including those addressed toward the referees or members of an opposing team. T/TA exhibiting hostile, negative, sarcastic, or otherwise ill-intended behavior toward referees, opposing players, or coaches will be subject to disciplinary action by the KPSC Board of Directors.
Parents / Spectators: Spectators and parents shall abstain from the following actions at all times. Any violation of these rules will result in the appropriate action being taken.
Foul or obscene language
Indecent gestures
Referee abuse
Substance abuse
Object throwing
Arguing with opposing team coaches or parents for any reason
Heckling or harassing of own or opposing team's players, coaches, or parents
Entering the playing field without the approval of both team managers and the Referee
Procedures to Address Violations: Most first-time minor violations of the Code of Conduct should be resolved between individuals or within the team. Serious violations of the Code of Conduct should be immediately reported to the appropriate Division Coordinator and the League Coordinator. The League Coordinator will conduct a thorough review of the situation with the assistance of the appropriate Division Director and report the findings to the KPSC Board Member. The KPSC Boardwalk conduct a thorough review the situation and report the findings to the KPSC Board of Directors at the first scheduled Board meeting. Special Board meetings can be called to address serious violations of the Code of Conduct at the discretion of the KPSC president.
The Board of Directors will make the final determination of which actions if any, may be appropriate to the circumstances.
Our Mailing Address: (not a staffed location)
Kings Park Soccer Club
PO Box 195
Kings Park, NY 11754
Board of Directors
Dedication. Passion. Community.
All Board Members are typically local community members and business owners. All roles are volunteer positions with an expected term of one year. The club actively looks for people that are interested in contributing their time and experience towards improving the club.
Anthony Sabatino
Michael Smith
Michael Clemente
Mara Pugh